Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What I Love

In September, I announced to my church that I was taking some time away to connect with my Father in a desire to orient myself to Him and to give Him some time to do a work in my heart.  It has been an incredible journey as I spent October with my family, preparing for Band of Brothers Weekend, and attending a retreat myself focused on uncovering the desires God has placed in my heart.  The journey has been one of peeling back layer after layer to get to the core of who I am and what my life is about.  It seems God has orchestrated so many events and conversations to take me through this process.

Here are some conclusions I have come concerning what I love, what makes me come alive:

I love seeing people who have been hurt of disenfranchised with the church come to realize that their church experience is not a reflection on their Heavenly Father.

I love to see people realize that church is not something we do, it is who we are.

I love to see people discover that God still speaks and that "every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" is the daily bread that gives us life.

I love to see people connect with one another on a heart level, beyond the surface, and experience the thrill of having a "friend that is closer than brother."

I love to see people come to the knowledge that their identity is not defined by what's been done to them, spoken over them, or by their sinful responses to the lies they have believed were true.

I love to see people exchange their lives with Jesus Christ and to realize that He is their new and true identity.

I love to see people set free from what enslaves them, and to realize that they are a growing, "planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor."

I love to see people step across denominational lines and for the body of Christ to realize what binds us together.

I love to see people people realize they can call God, "Father," and not only Father, but "Abba,  Father," or Daddy.

I love to see people minister to Jesus by ministering to others, not out of duty or obligation, but out of an overflow of a ransomed, restored heart filled to the brim with Father's love.

I love seeing people praying for people on the spot, on the phone, in public places, and sometimes with their eyes open.

I love creating a safe place, a room of grace, where people can be real about their struggles, where they can realize that we are all in process and we are all in this together.

I love seeing people discover that Father is always up to something, that He is always ready to show off in any given situation, and that they are God-bringers into those situations.

I love seeing people realize that Jesus' "yoke is easy and His burden is light."

I love freely giving to others what Father has freely given to me. 

I love joining brothers and leading the charge in the battle for the hearts of men.

I love having front row seats to watch Jesus transform lives.

May the process continue, as God reveals what He has put in me and what He wants to release into the world through me....


Julie said...

I am right there with you.....

I hear you.... I feel the same way!!!

You know David and I are in this with you!


Jay said...

YES, YES, YES. This is my heart, too. Nothing gives me greater joy than watching God change men's hearts right before my very eyes as men are discipled - through the power of the Holy Spirit. This post jacked my heart. Jay McDevitt